Interesting Mail Exchanges
The following Emails will show that some good has come to me and also others through having this
Website. I hope you will find it just as satisfying as did Bill W.
- Hersch Pahl
Some Interesting Mail that has come Hersch:
Subject: Kearney State football
From: J. Backlund
Date: Thurs, October 11, 2007 1:03 AM
To: Hersch Pahl
My son was showing me things on the internet and came across this site. It was exciting to read about
your tremendous career. I am not surprised remembering your talent as a tackle on the football field at Kearney.
I ended up as a dispersing officer on CL-San Diego during the war. Growing older gracefully now in
Peoria, Il & Carefree, AZ.
Spent 50 years as a community banker. Hear occasionally from Earl Godfrey. He is widowed and retired
in Monterey, CA. You probably know he ended up as a captain of a carrier.
Best Regards,
From: Dustin Clingenpeel
To: Hersch Pahl
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:58 PM
Subject: Naval Aviation - USS Hancock (CV-19)
Hello, during a search on the web I encountered this web page. I have in my possession a one man
raft and container property marked to VF-6 with an inspection/repack card dated August 31, 1945. Also marked on
container is the number of the Hellcat 15 as seen on cowl and tail. I am trying to locate pictures of this aircraft
and possibly info on the pilot's who flew this aircraft.
Any help greatly appreciated
Response from Hersch Pahl:
I was in VF-6 aboard the USS Hancock on that date (31 Aug '45) and was flying Hellcats. I may have
flown plane #15, however my pilots log book does not record the side number of the planes (I was the one keeping
the pilots logs too) and we just recorded the planes Bureau Number for each flight. Over a period of time we flew
various planes and #15 could have been one of them.
It sounds like you found my web. You can read a lot of interesting stuff in it with photographs.
You will find photographs of all the pilots of VF-6 at the end of the war so you can be sure
that you are probably looking at several pilots that may have flown #15. There is one of me airborne on the last
day of the war but it is not the #15 that you are looking for.
Ray Killian's photo of Daryl Grant, David Kipp and Hersch
Pahl - their first post-war photograph.
Hope you enjoy the site anyway. If you decide that you would like to have a copy of my book, POINT OPTION, just tell me by email and I will be glad to accommodate you
With Respect